Important: Do you know the difference between Cinematographers and Videographers?

cinematographers videographers difference cinema video

The Film Industry started in the early 19th century and since then large numbers of films have been produced with the help of technological advancements. Earlier, the crew had to travel to different locations to shoot a scene, now it can be done in the studio using green and blue screens. It was the result of many such advancements in technology that helped in growing the Film Industry, giving rise to a lot of actors, directors, writers, cinematographers, and videographers. But do you know there is a difference between a ‘Cinematographer’ and a ‘Videographer’? Yes, you heard it right, even though these words seem similar they are two different jobs.

A Cinematographer is a person who is skilled in the art of capturing visuals for motion pictures. A cinematographer is experienced with various equipment and skills required in film making including camera movements, angles, lenses, and lighting, and knows editing that could be further used in the post-production process.

A cinematographer works in a large crew, with several technicians and artists. They also supervise the work of their subordinates and guide the shots for camera angles, lighting, etc. A cinematographer can choose from a comprehensive range of projects, from movies to documentaries, and narrative-based video projects. They have to analyze everything carefully to work on their skills and help provide the best inputs. Cinematographers pay attention to the screenplay and try to help directors by providing their perspectives. Moreover, a cinematographer may have to work in challenging environments to get the perfect shot, which is why they need to take extra care of their gear such as cameras, storage devices, and computers. The average salary of a cinematographer is around Rs. 3,60,000 per year but can vary depending on various aspects like your skills, employer, location, etc.

A videographer has the job of recording moving images for a video project on different locations or sets. A videographer’s job begins with pre-production. They begin by planning locations and can be used for recording short clips or documenting the whole wedding. As the videography business was rapidly increasing some of the photographers started providing videography services. Setting up a videography business is easier than cinematography. All you need is a good quality camera, microphones, tripods, cables, and some basic video editing skills.

A videographer can shoot videos alone or with a small crew of one or two teammates. Their main focus is on controlling camera angles, movements, exposure, and shutter speed. A videographer can choose from a limited range of projects. They are mostly used for recording business conferences, wedding receptions, birthday parties, school and college events, corporate gatherings, concerts, etc. They have a low scope of innovations. They do not get much artistic freedom to supervise a shot, as their role is more of a technical nature. They can apply their perspective and creativity during the editing process, or by changing the camera angles to shoot unique videos. Moreover, a videographer can be selective about his shots and can choose to record only critical parts of an event. Also, as videographers tend to work alone or in small teams, they have to operate all the equipment themselves including cameras, reflectors, cables, batteries, etc. The average salary of a videographer is around Rs. 35,416 per month but can vary depending on various aspects like your skills, employer, location, etc.


Both jobs have their own advantages and disadvantages and are important in the Film Industry. Without any of them, the Film Industries will collapse as they play a major role in the sector. It is for you to choose which one would you like to go for if you are thinking about choosing them as a career. Here is a video that might help you choose between these careers better.

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